Why QCP?

Professional, Dependable, and Gentle Care for Your Pet

When the demands of life are making it difficult fit time into your day for your furry little companions, Queen City Pet Sitting is here to pick up the slack. Our Charlotte pet sitting services will make up for your absence. Whether it’s a road trip, a business trip, a family emergency, or a vacation, you can count on our professional and gentle pet sitters to give your pets the care, nurture, and exercise they deserve.

Why Our Sitting Services Are The Best In Charlotte

Dedicated Pet Sitters in Charlotte

Unlike national pet sitting companies, Queen City Pet Sitting is locally owned and operated with a specific team of dedicated pet sitters in Charlotte who develop relationships and bonds with their clients and pets.
Your animals will remember the fun and emotional stability they get when staying with our pet sitters. Whether it’s numerous visits to your place throughout the day, or if they’re bunking down at our place, you can take care of your responsibilities knowing your pets are in good hands. We can come check in on your pets and give them food, water, and some one on one care and affection. Our Charlotte pet sitting services are all about making your critters feel safe and secure, as well as giving them the mental stimulation they need through exercise and play time. We can provide your dogs with plenty of exercise with walks, runs, or trips to the local dog park. While out and about, we will be sure to reinforce their training with commands like “sit” and “stay” whenever appropriate. Our Charlotte dog walkers know how to help enhance your dog’s sense of communication and trust with their human companions, something from which they derive a great sense of satisfaction and comfort. Our dog walks will also help keep irritating and destructive behavior at a minimum, as an excess of built up energy can lead to all sorts of problems. Behavior that we can help stop includes:
  • Shedding
  • Loss or increase of appetite
  • Going potty inside
  • Scratching, chewing, or digging at the carpet and furniture
  • Excessive wandering, insomnia, and other neurotic behavior
  • Digging through the garbage
  • Excessive panting, whining, or barking
When your dog is good and tired out, you will see a lot less of this kind of behavior. As the saying goes, “A tired dog is a good dog.” Rather than leaving your dogs in a strange, noisy boarding facility, you can have them stay at one of our pet sitter’s homes. This will eliminate kennel stress and the chances of them contracting some kind of kennel-related illness such as Kennel Cough. And while they are bunking down with us, we can also provide them with our dog walks, runs, or trips to the park. All of that exercise will help the feel even more relaxed while staying at one of our pet sitter’s homes.

We Don't Just Serve Dog Owners!

At Queen City Pet Sitting, our Charlotte pet sitting services includes cat sitting. We can come in and check on them once, twice, three times, and even four times a day, making sure they have plenty of food, water, and human attention. Cats are more social than many give them credit for, and can exhibit all kinds of strange and destructive behaviors as a result of separation anxiety when away from their human companions. Cats develop strong bonds with their masters, and the stress they feel while you are away will be greatly mitigated with the care and company of one of our Charlotte pet sitters.

We are also happy to take care of other small pets such as:

  • Ferrets
  • Gerbils
  • Rabbits
  • Mice
  • Fish

It takes a certain level of trust leaving your pets in the care of someone else. After all, these are essentially members of your family, and you don’t want to leave them in that hands of just anyone. That’s why Queen City Pet sitting is happy to establish a meet and greet with you beforehand, so that you can get to know our pet sitters personally before utilizing their services. We are confident you will be happy with our company, and that your pets will be happy with us as well.

Our Charlotte pet sitting services are licensed, bonded, and insured. We are a BBB Accredited Business with an A+ rating.

If you’re looking for top quality Charlotte pet sitting services, contact us today at (980) 202-2745, or schedule a reservation through our online reservation form

Why Choose Our Dog Walking Services

We Are Here to Help You Pick Up the Slack

Life can be full of demands, many of which come at unexpected times. Feeling like you are being pulled in many directions at once is especially stressful when it comes to your cherished dogs, whose needs can’t be put on hold. That is where Queen City Pet sitting comes in. We are here to help you pick up the slack when it comes to your furry little friends with our professional Charlotte dog walking services.
Our staff is available to take your dogs out for the exercise they need, so they don’t spend too much time cooped up in the house. This will give them the chance to get all of that excess energy out through running, playing, exploring, and getting plenty of mental stimulation. After all, dogs receive the same chemical rewards that we do through exercise, and they will benefit both physically and mentally from our dog walking services in Charlotte. On average, dogs need about an hour of exercise per day. Some breeds may require even more. When they are deprived of that much needed exercise, a lot of negative symptoms follow, including boredom and emotional depression, irritation, and anxiety. Dogs will often become neurotic and act out in annoying and destructive ways. Our Charlotte dog walking services will help reduce the incidences of:
  • Loud barking at inappropriate times: All of that pent up energy tends to release itself in the form of loud barking attraffic, or at strangers walking down the sidewalk or approaching the door.
  • Anxiety and restlessness: A lack of exercise can lead to late night pacing and wandering around the house.
  • Clawing, chewing, or digging: This can happen inside the house or outdoors, often as a result of boredom. Dogs will try to stimulate their minds by tearing up the carpet, digging holes in the yard, or clawing at furniture.
  • Playing too rough: The built up energy most notably comes out when it actually is time to play. Dogs will often pounce, nibble, and act out in overly excited ways. Frequent exercise will result in less aggression and better behavior.
  • Pulling Too Hard On the Leash: This is quite an annoying problem when dogs haven’t been walked for a long time.
  • Obesity & Heart Problems: As with humans, a dog’s heart health and weight relies on the right amount of exercise. An obese dog will have a whole list of problems, including decreased stamina, liver problems, joint problems, and even diabetes.
When you choose Queen City Pet sitting for Charlotte dog walking services, these areas will be improved upon.

Benefits Of Hiring Local Dog Walkers

Dogs simply aren’t going to go outside and develop their own exercise routine, as much as we all wish they would sometimes. They rely on their human masters to lead the way for them, just as wolves rely on their pack leaders. We will give them that exercise when you simply can’t. After all, it can be difficult to get a good long walk in with your dog when you’re working overtime. Our services will make it so you don’t have to wake up too early, rush home during your lunch break, or take work off early to give your furry companions the exercise they need.
Another great benefit of our Charlotte dog walking services is that they help enhance your dog’s sense of trust and communication. Our dog walkers in Charlotte know all of the right training methods to help build your dog’s sense of cooperation and unity with a human companion, from which they benefit greatly. We will help to reinforce their training by encouraging them to sit, heel, and stay when necessary. These important skills will be sharpened by our dog walkers, whether they are going for a lunchtime walk, a run, or a trip to the dog park. Throughout our time as professional Charlotte dog walkers, we have built a reputation of trust and satisfaction with our customers. Our staff loves dogs, and loves what they do! We guarantee only the best care and services for the creatures you love so much. We guarantee quality care. Contact us today at (919) 473-3647, or schedule a reservation through our online reservation form.

Why Choose Us For Pet Sitting & Pet Boarding Services

Count On Us, We Got Your Pets

The demands of life often require us to leave our homes for long periods of time. However, this shouldn’t mean that your pets need to be left alone and deprived of that much needed human care. Our pet sitters in Charlotte are here to give your pets the care they need. Whether it’s a business trip, a family emergency, or even a vacation, you can count on Queen City Pet sitting to be there for your pets.
Our pet sitters are gentle and loving, and are dedicated to making your critters feel safe and secure while you are away. We can take care of your pets at your home or at ours. For those long periods of time while you are away, we can stop by once, twice, three times, or four times a day to check up on your pets, providing them everything from food and water, clean up, and simple one-on-one care and affection. Our Charlotte pet sitting services offer a wide range of benefits for your pet, such as preventing them from feeling “kennel stress” as a result of being cooped up in their kennels for too long. This is an especially valuable alternative to boarding them at a pet facility, which can lead to emotional stress as well as the possibility of kennel-related illnesses such as Kennel Cough, a highly contagious respiratory disease. Your animals have gotten used to a certain environment and company, and when this is altered dramatically, it can take its toll on their mental and emotional health. But when you choose Queen City Pet sitting, our Charlotte pet sitters will make up for your absence by letting them roam free in their own home, or at one of our pet sitters homes, and the human contact and interaction they will get will help them stay happy and emotionally grounded. We know just how stressed out animals can be when their owners are away, especially dogs. We are the professionals you can rely on to keep your pets from engaging in behavior that results from stress, boredom, and anxiety, such as:
  • Shedding
  • Loss or increase of appetite
  • Going potty inside
  • Scratching, chewing, or digging at the carpet and furniture
  • Excessive wandering, insomnia, and other neurotic behavior
  • Digging through the garbage
  • Excessive panting, whining, or barking
Dogs, like their ancestors, are pack animals, and a human pack leader is typically the best arrangement for them. Even if their beloved owner is away, a professional Charlotte pet sitter will provide them with the human company and care that is so valuable to them. We will ensure your dog’s mental and emotional well-being.

We Serve More Than Just Dogs And Their Owners

Cats, while more independent than dogs, also gain a deep level of attachment to their owners, and when separated from them for long periods of time, can develop all kinds of emotional problems as a result of separation anxiety.

Our Charlotte pet sitting services will help keep them company, so they don’t end up developing behaviors such as:

  • Shedding
  • Excessive grooming (resulting in bald spots)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chewing and scratching at the carpet, furniture, and blinds
  • Vomiting
  • Going potty outside the litter box
  • Strange vocalizations and loud meowing

We will give them food and water, clean up any messes, and provide the one-on-one care they need while you are away. We will also give them plenty of playtime so that they have the mental stimulation they need, so that they don’t manifest their boredom in destructive behaviors. We are also available to provide care for other small animals such as:

  • Ferrets
  • Gerbils
  • Rabbits
  • Mice
  • Fish

And more! We will make sure they get all of the food and water they need, and that their cages are kept clean.

Why Choose Our Cat Sitting Services

Cats Bonds with their Human Companions

Many people would be surprised to realize that cats aren’t the independent loners people assume they are. The old cliche is that cats are solitary creatures who merely use humans for food and shelter. This isn’t the case at all. While cats are definitely more independent than dogs and would probably get along much better on their own, they still form deep bonds with their human companions. This is evident in the various forms of separation anxiety they display when their masters are gone for a long period of time. More social cats may even begin displaying signs of stress the moment they pick up on your departure cues: getting dressed, packing your bags, and tying your shoes may be enough to get your cat jumping around or vocalizing loudly.
When you come home, your cat may display signs that he was stressed by acting on edge or being overly clingy. Our Charlotte cat sitting services will help keep your cats from suffering separation anxiety by giving them quality, one on one human care and affection. We will give your cats food and water, clean up any messes, and make sure they have plenty of play time to keep their minds stimulated. When cats are anxious or bored, they manifest these symptoms in a number of different ways, including:
  • Loud vocalization: Cats will often meow loudly, as well as make other odd vocalizations, likely in order to try and get someone’s attention.
  • Anorexia: A serious loss of appetite often accompanies separation anxiety in cats. If you are often on the run and leaving the house for long periods of time, a cat’s eating schedule can become seriously disrupted.
  • Vomiting: This is a common sign of cat anxiety, and can be a really messy and destructive form of behavior. Vomiting can also result from an increase of appetite which results in excessive eating.
  • Excessive grooming: This neurotic behavior can result in hair balls, shedding, and bald spots.
  • Destructive behavior: Clawing and scratching at the carpet, furniture, and blinds is a common sign of cat boredom and anxiety.

The Care and Comfort They Need

Our kind and gentle Charlotte cat sitters will help keep all of these problems at bay by giving your feline friends the care and comfort they need. Even if they are still missing you, simply having another human companion around to keep them company is a far better option for your cat than leaving them alone. Our professionals know how to give them the right treatment, and keep their anxiety level at a minimum.
Our Charlotte cat sitting services can range from visiting your cats at your home a number of times a day, to letting them stay at our place with us. We know all about cats and can adjust our visits and play time to their specific needs. Depending on a number of factors, such as your cat’s particular breed, the nature of their pet care can be modified. If you have a particularly social cat, we can come visit many times throughout the day or week. If your cat is super high energy and rambunctious, we can offer them plenty of play time to get all of that excess energy out.

Other Animals We Love To Help

We are also available to take care of other small animals such as:






They will all get the care they need, including food, clean up, and attention.