Cats & Other Pets

All pets need someone to check in on them every once in a while. Our pet sitters recognize that each animal has special needs, and they are ready and anxious to help fill those needs for your cat or other small animal. Each visit’s activities will depend on the type of pet, and any special instructions you have for them.

Your pet sitter will do anything from playing with your cat, feeding the fish, or just spending time with your pet as you normally would. Overall, they will focus on giving your pet the care and attention they crave. Don’t let your pets get lonely, be it a cat, a fish, or a guinea pig. Queen City Petsitting will always be here to help.

General Pet Care for Cats

When we are taking care of your cats, either at our place or yours, our Charlotte general pet care doesn’t stop at the basics. We will be sure to give them the play time they need with all of their favorite toys, and clean up any messes they might make outside of the litter box. We will also be sure to keep the litter box clean as well.
If your cat has an appointment with the vet or the groomer, we will make sure they make it on time. If you want us to groom them ourselves or give them a bath, we can do that as well. We’ll be sure to keep their coats clean, and make sure they aren’t shedding to cut down on the incidents of hairballs. Our Charlotte general pet care for cats will make sure they are getting their dietary and medical needs met as well. If they require a specific brand or type of cat food, we will be sure to give it to them, or go out and get it if we need to. And of course we will make sure they are getting their medication right on schedule. Our pet sitters know how to handle cats and get them to take their medicine safely. Their water will be fresh and clean at all times, and we’ll be sure to give them only the allowable amount of treats.

If your cat has specific handling needs, just let us know. We can give a particularly spunky cat a lot of extra play time, helping them get all of that excess energy out so they can be more relaxed and peaceful. If your cat is still displaying signs of anxiety or fear as a result of you being gone, we can go out and get a scratching post or other toys to keep them occupied and their minds focused. Cats tend to act out when they are anxious, but we know plenty of tricks to help them behave.